A Trip To The City

We had planned to take a quick drive into downtown to pick up a few art supplies at the store that has everything an artist might ever need, Dick Blick, then dash on home again. But it was a Sunday, close to lunchtime and we were in the mood for exploring new places. It was one of those fun little trips that turned into a relaxing few hours, a sort of mini vacation. Don't you love it when that happens?


Downtown Portland buildings, old against new, walking in the Pearl District.


After we picked up our art supplies and since there was still plenty of time  still left on the parking meter we headed down the street to find lunch.


Outside a cute shop called Porch Light on NW 11th Ave, a stack of old tin buckets. We couldn't resist peeking inside.


Right next door to Porch Light is this fun little shop called Eden, a garden of opulent curiosities, with brightly painted walls and a real live (dead) stuffed peacock.


So many wonderfully patterned and textured pillows to admire and buy.


A suitcase full of memories.


Lunch at Deschutes Brewery.


Inside Starbucks grabbing lattés for the drive home. I spotted this streetcar painted up in a pretty shade of green.


Back in the studio with new kinds of pens for mark making, alcohol inks, and a big jar of emerald green paint, Pantone's color of the year for 2013.