Blenda Tyvoll Studio

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Behind the Scenes From October Open Studio

A big thank you to all my wonderful friends and visitors who stopped in during our recent Open Studio weekend. I have the best collectors ever! You are appreciated more than you know!

I wanted to show you photos from the weekend but we forgot to snap any. All of us were too busy entertaining our guests, so instead here are a few pics while setting up the studio for the big sale.

Holding baby chicks

What? Chicks in the studio, you ask? Yes, we have new baby chicks. They were too small to be outside for the first few weeks so they lived under a heat lamp in a crate in the corner. They were so cute and cuddly at first and are growing up way too fast!

A baby Araucana chick.

Look how cute those chicks are! This one is an Araucana chick.

Zoey, the tuxedo cat

Sweet Miss Zoey stopped by to oversee the baby chick round up as they were moved to their outside pen.

We hung real fall leaves and paper flowers from the ceiling for decoration.

She even managed to steal her way into a few more photos, that silly girl!

Blenda Studio prints

Everything is set and ready to go....

Blenda Studio Print Butterfly Tree

Inside Blenda Studio Gift Shop

Georgie in the studio

This was on the first day of the open studio and Georgie was positioned in his favorite greeting spot at the counter waiting for the first guests to arrive.

Thank you Erica, Krista and Mom for all your love and assistance. We make a great team, don't we?... it's always a pleasure hanging out with you. I'm a lucky gal.

P.S. I've been listing a few new original paintings in my shop and will be adding more soon, so check back later, too.

Leave a comment and click the heart shaped like button....just for fun and a shower of hearts :)
