Blenda Tyvoll Studio

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Butterflies Are Free and Coneflowers

Here are two paintings just listed as prints:

Butterflies Are Free by Blenda Tyvoll

Butterflies Are Free 12X12" Mixed Media on Canvas - Available here as a print This started out as an abstract painting and then I collaged pretty paper with an ink design to the lower right corner. For the finial touch I painted white butterfly in the square edged in mint green.

Coneflowers For Marian by Blenda Tyvoll

"Coneflowers for Marian" 14X11" Acrylic on Canvas. The original is sold but prints are available on

Hope you enjoying your weekend...we've been having freezing weather and strong cold winds here in the Pacific Northwest. Brrr! Never thought I would be looking forward to our usual weather this time of year, which is lots of rainy days and 40-50 degree temperatures.

Blenda Studio Blog

This is what it looked like just a few days ago, a big frosty drippy mess. Although I must say it was quite beautiful to see ice icicles hanging from tree branches sparkling in the morning sunlight.

Blenda Studio Blog

So I've been thinking it would be a lot of fun to have a blog give away. Stay tuned in the next couple of days for more details.

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